nobleza - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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nobleza (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

Nobleza refers to the social class comprising those who are perceived as having privileges due to their birth or heritage. It often encompasses ideas of honor, dignity, and virtue associated with the noble class. In a broader context, it can describe qualities such as generosity and high moral principles.

In Spanish, nobleza is frequently used in both oral and written contexts, although it might be more common in historical or literary texts due to its association with aristocracy and social class distinctions. The word is also used in discussions about ethics and personal qualities.

Example Sentences

  1. La nobleza de su carácter la hacía admirada por todos.
    The nobility of her character made her admired by everyone.

  2. En tiempos antiguos, la nobleza tenía un papel importante en la política.
    In ancient times, the nobility played an important role in politics.

  3. La nobleza no solo se refiere a la riqueza, sino también a las virtudes éticas.
    Nobility refers not only to wealth but also to ethical virtues.

Idiomatic Expressions

The term nobleza is used in various idiomatic expressions that convey the idea of moral integrity or the status of being noble:

  1. Nobleza obliga
    This expression implies that with nobility comes the obligation to act honorably.
    Con nobleza obliga, siempre debes ayudar a los necesitados.
    With nobility comes obligation; you must always help those in need.

  2. Por la nobleza de su sangre
    Referring to actions or privileges based on one's noble birth.
    Siempre ha actuado con arrogancia, como si su conducta estuviera justificada por la nobleza de su sangre.
    He has always acted with arrogance, as if his behavior were justified by the nobility of his blood.

  3. La nobleza de espíritu
    Describes someone with a noble heart or a great character.
    La nobleza de espíritu de María impresionó a todos en la comunidad.
    The nobility of spirit of María impressed everyone in the community.

  4. Hacer gala de nobleza
    To show off one's nobility or noble qualities.
    El político hizo gala de nobleza al apoyar la causa de los desfavorecidos.
    The politician showcased his nobility by supporting the cause of the underprivileged.


The word nobleza comes from the Latin term nobilitas, which means "fame" or "notability." It is derived from nobilis, meaning "notable" or "well-known." Throughout history, the term has retained its associations with virtue, honor, and social status.



In summary, nobleza encapsulates not only social status but also moral standing, and it finds common usage in expressions reflecting cultural narratives around honor and ethical behavior.
