nombrado - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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nombrado (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Nombrado" is a past participle form of the verb "nombrar," which means "to name" or "to appoint." It can also function as an adjective in legal contexts.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, "nombrado" refers to someone who has been named or appointed to a position or role. It is frequently used in legal and formal contexts when discussing appointments, nominations, or titles. The term is common in both oral and written Spanish, especially in bureaucratic or official documents. The frequency of usage is notably high in legal terminology.

Example Sentences

  1. El nombrado director de la empresa se presentó a los empleados.
  2. The named director of the company introduced himself to the employees.

  3. El juez determinó que el nombrado abogado no era apto para el caso.

  4. The judge determined that the appointed lawyer was not suitable for the case.

  5. La lista de los nombrados para el cargo será publicada el lunes.

  6. The list of those named for the position will be published on Monday.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "nombrado" is not commonly used in many idiomatic expressions, there are related phrases that reflect its usage. Here are a few examples:

  1. "Estar nombrado" se refiere a estar oficialmente asignado a un rol.
  2. "To be named" refers to being officially assigned to a role.

  3. "Ser nombrado a dedo" implica ser designado por favor o influencia, en lugar de un proceso formal.

  4. "To be named by finger" implies being appointed by favor or influence, instead of a formal process.

  5. "Nombrar a alguien como" se usa para indicar un cargo específico que se le otorga a alguien.

  6. "To name someone as" is used to indicate a specific position that is granted to someone.


The word "nombrado" derives from the Spanish verb "nombrar," which comes from the Latin "nominare," meaning "to name, designate, or appoint."



This comprehensive overview of "nombrado" in the context of law highlights its significance in legal language and its application in various scenarios.
