norma - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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norma (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Norma is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

  1. Standard
  2. Norm
  3. Rule
  4. Regulation
  5. Criterion

Meaning and Usage

The term "norma" refers to a governing principle or standard that dictates what is considered acceptable behavior or practices in various contexts, such as law, economics, or societal behavior. It is commonly used in both oral and written forms, with a slight preference for written discourse due to its technical connotations in fields like law and science. The term is relatively frequent in Spanish.

Example Sentences

  1. La norma de seguridad debe cumplirse en todos los edificios.
  2. The standard of safety must be adhered to in all buildings.

  3. Esta norma establece los procedimientos a seguir en caso de emergencia.

  4. This rule sets out the procedures to follow in case of an emergency.

  5. Todos los empleados deben seguir la norma de conducta de la empresa.

  6. All employees must follow the company's code of conduct.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "norma" is often integral to various idiomatic expressions related to rules, standards, or behaviors. Here are some examples:

  1. Seguir la norma
  2. Significa conformarse a las reglas establecidas.
  3. Translation: To follow the standard means to conform to established rules.

  4. Norma de oro

  5. Se refiere a una regla muy valiosa o ideal que se debe seguir.
  6. Translation: Gold standard refers to a very valuable or ideal rule that should be followed.

  7. Romper la norma

  8. Implica actuar en contra de lo que se considera correcto o esperado.
  9. Translation: To break the norm implies acting against what is considered right or expected.

  10. No hay norma sin excepción

  11. Significa que siempre pueden existir casos que alteran las normas.
  12. Translation: There is no standard without exception means that there can always be cases that alter the norms.

  13. Establecer una norma

  14. Se refiere a la creación de una regla o estándar que debe ser seguido.
  15. Translation: To establish a standard refers to the creation of a rule or standard that must be followed.


The word "norma" originates from the Latin word "norma," which means "a pattern, a standard, a rule." Over time, it maintained a similar meaning in derivatives across languages, indicating its ongoing relevance in defining standards.

Synonyms and Antonyms



This comprehensive guide provides thorough insights into the word "norma," its usage, relevance in the Spanish language, and idiomatic expressions.
