Normativa is a noun (feminine).
In Spanish, normativa refers to a set of regulations, rules, or norms that are established in a given context, particularly in legal and economic domains. It is commonly used in both written and oral forms but tends to appear more frequently in legal documents, official communications, and academic discourse, emphasizing its importance in structured environments where rules must be adhered to.
The current regulation on occupational safety must be strictly adhered to.
La empresa se adhiere a la normativa europea en cuanto a protección de datos.
While normativa is not commonly part of idiomatic expressions, it is often used in formal contexts that emphasize compliance and adherence to rules. Here are several sentences where it might appear in different contexts:
The regulation regarding the environment is fundamental to protect our natural resources.
No seguir la normativa establecida puede llevar a sanciones severas.
Not following the established regulation can lead to severe penalties.
La nueva normativa impone requisitos adicionales para la licencia de funcionamiento.
The word normativa is derived from the Latin term "normativa," which comes from "norma," meaning "norm" or "rule." The transition from Latin to Spanish maintained the meaning associated with regulations and standards.
Normativa plays a significant role in ensuring structured and lawful conduct within various sectors, including economics and law. Its importance is underscored by its frequent references to regulations that guide behavior and maintain order.