noticia - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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noticia (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Noticia is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription

/notiˈθja/ (in Spain) or /notiˈsia/ (in Latin America)

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The word "noticia" refers to information about current events or happenings, typically presented through various media formats. It is often used in both formal and informal contexts, and can appear in written formats (like newspapers, blogs, and online articles) as well as oral settings (like conversations or news broadcasts).

"Noticia" is frequently used in everyday language, and it has a high frequency of use in journalistic contexts. It is commonly encountered in plural form, as "noticias," referring to multiple pieces of news.

Example Sentences: 1. La noticia sobre el cambio climático ha generado mucha preocupación.
The news about climate change has generated a lot of concern.

  1. Ayer recibí una noticia inesperada de un amigo.
    Yesterday I received unexpected news from a friend.

  2. Las noticias de la guerra se han vuelto cada vez más alarmantes.
    The news about the war has become increasingly alarming.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "noticia" features in several idiomatic expressions in Spanish. Some of them include:

  1. No hay noticia - This phrase means there is no news, often used to express that nothing significant has happened.
  2. No hay noticia sobre el resultado del examen.
    There is no news about the exam results.

  3. Dar una noticia - This means to give or deliver news, often used when making an announcement.

  4. Voy a dar una noticia importante en la reunión.
    I am going to give an important news at the meeting.

  5. Darse cuenta de la noticia - To realize or recognize news, indicating the moment someone becomes aware of something important.

  6. Se dio cuenta de la noticia cuando la vio en televisión.
    He realized the news when he saw it on television.

  7. Noticia de última hora - This refers to breaking news, highlighting its timeliness and urgency.

  8. La noticia de última hora sorprendió a todos los presentes.
    The breaking news surprised everyone present.

  9. Noticia de interés - This phrase indicates news that is of interest to a specific audience or the public.

  10. Hoy hay una noticia de interés sobre el nuevo proyecto.
    Today there is a news of interest about the new project.


"Noticia" comes from the Latin word "notitia," which means "knowledge or information." The root "noscere," meaning "to know," further ties it to the concept of knowledge and awareness.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Información (information) - Reporte (report) - Anuncio (announcement)

Antonyms: - Desinformación (disinformation) - Silencio (silence) - Ignorancia (ignorance)
