noticiero - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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noticiero (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The term noticiero refers to a program, typically transmitted on television or radio, that presents news stories, current affairs, and other information of public interest. It can also refer to a segment within a longer broadcast dedicated to news. The word is commonly used in both oral and written contexts, with a notable frequency of use in daily conversations, media discussions, and journalism.

Example Sentences

  1. El noticiero de la noche siempre tiene las noticias más importantes del día.
    The evening news program always has the most important news of the day.

  2. Cuando quiero informarme de lo que sucede, miro el noticiero por la mañana.
    When I want to be informed about what is happening, I watch the morning news program.

  3. El noticiero local cubrió el evento con gran detalle.
    The local news program covered the event in great detail.

Idiomatic Expressions

The term noticiero is not commonly used in fixed idiomatic expressions, but it does appear in expressions relating to news and announcements. Below are some examples:

  1. "El noticiero suele dar malas noticias, pero hoy fue diferente."
    The news program usually delivers bad news, but today was different.

  2. "Después de ver el noticiero, me siento más informado sobre el mundo."
    After watching the news program, I feel more informed about the world.

  3. "La fama del noticiero creció cuando comenzaron a cubrir investigaciones exclusivas."
    The fame of the news program grew when they started covering exclusive investigations.

  4. "No puedo comenzar mi día sin el noticiero matutino."
    I can't start my day without the morning news program.

  5. "El noticiero en línea es muy accesible para obtener información rápida."
    The online news program is very accessible for getting quick information.


The word noticiero comes from the Spanish root noticia, which means "news." It is derived from the Latin word notitia, meaning "knowledge" or "information." The suffix -ero is used to form nouns indicating a place or a means concerning what is described by the root.

Synonyms and Antonyms

The word noticiero remains a crucial term in the context of media and communication, bridging the gap between information dissemination and public awareness.
