notificar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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notificar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The verb notificar refers to the act of formally informing someone about something, typically related to legal matters, notifications, or announcements. The word is frequently used in both oral and written contexts, although it appears more frequently in written form, particularly in legal, administrative, or formal communications.

Example Sentences

  1. Es importante notificar a las autoridades sobre el accidente.
    It is important to notify the authorities about the accident.

  2. El juez decidió notificar a todos los implicados en el caso.
    The judge decided to notify all parties involved in the case.

  3. Por favor, notifica a tu supervisor sobre el cambio de horario.
    Please notify your supervisor about the schedule change.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word notificar is a crucial part of several idiomatic expressions, particularly in legal and formal contexts. Here are some examples:

  1. Notificar a su debido tiempo
    To notify in due time
    Es fundamental notificar a su debido tiempo para evitar problemas legales.
    It is essential to notify in due time to avoid legal problems.

  2. Notificar oficialmente
    To officially notify
    La empresa debe notificar oficialmente cualquier cambio en el contrato.
    The company must officially notify of any changes in the contract.

  3. No notificar la situación
    Not notifying the situation
    No notificar la situación puede tener consecuencias graves.
    Not notifying the situation may have serious consequences.

  4. Proceder a notificar
    To proceed to notify
    Se debe proceder a notificar a todos los miembros del comité.
    We must proceed to notify all committee members.


The word notificar comes from the Latin notificare, which is composed of notus, meaning "known" or "noted," and the suffix -ficare, which means "to make." Hence, it literally means to make known.



This comprehensive information provides an overview of the word notificar, its uses, meanings, and contextual importance within the Spanish language.
