novicio - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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novicio (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options


"Novicio" in Spanish refers to a person who is new to a particular activity or field, such as a beginner or a novice. It is commonly used to describe someone who is inexperienced in a specific area. The word is used both in oral speech and in written context. It is of moderate frequency in the Spanish language.

Example Sentences

  1. El novicio no sabía por dónde empezar en su primer día de trabajo.
    (The novice didn't know where to start on his first day of work.)

  2. Como novicio en la cocina, siempre quemo la comida.
    (As a beginner in the kitchen, I always burn the food.)

Idiomatic Expressions


The word "novicio" comes from the Latin word "novitius," meaning "new" or "fresh."

