nublado - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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nublado (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

The word "nublado" is used in Spanish to describe weather conditions characterized by the presence of clouds covering a significant portion of the sky. It generally implies that the sky is overcast or that clouds are dominating the atmosphere, often leading to cooler temperatures and the possibility of rain.

Example Sentences

  1. La mañana estuvo nublada, y parecía que iba a llover.
    (The morning was cloudy, and it seemed like it was going to rain.)

  2. Hoy el cielo está nublado, pero no hace frío.
    (Today the sky is cloudy, but it’s not cold.)

  3. Durante el verano, los días nublados son muy agradables.
    (During the summer, cloudy days are very pleasant.)

Idiomatic Expressions

While "nublado" does not have numerous idiomatic expressions specifically, it can often feature in phrases related to weather and emotions. Here are a few contextual phrases:

  1. El futuro está nublado para muchos trabajadores.
    (The future is cloudy for many workers.) — This often refers to uncertainty in job security.

  2. Tengo el día nublado por problemas personales.
    (I have a cloudy day due to personal problems.) — A figurative way to express feeling down or sad.

  3. La mente de Juan estaba nublada por tantas preocupaciones.
    (Juan's mind was cloudy due to so many worries.) — Indicates confusion or an inability to think clearly.


The word "nublado" comes from the Latin "nublatus," which refers to being covered with clouds or overcast. The root "nube" means "cloud" in Spanish, which is derived from the Latin "nubes."

Synonyms and Antonyms

This comprehensive breakdown of "nublado" should provide useful insights into its meaning, usage, and context in the Spanish language.
