nuestro - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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nuestro (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

"Nuestro" is a possessive pronoun in Spanish that indicates ownership or association. It is used to denote that something belongs to the speaker or speakers alongside others. The frequency of use for "nuestro" is high as it appears commonly in both oral speech and written contexts. It is especially prevalent in conversations referring to shared possessions or experiences.

Example Sentences

  1. Nuestro coche es más rápido que el tuyo.
    Our car is faster than yours.

  2. No olvides traer nuestro libro de historia.
    Don't forget to bring our history book.

  3. Nuestros amigos vienen a la fiesta esta noche.
    Our friends are coming to the party tonight.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "nuestro" features in several idiomatic expressions and sayings, highlighting shared experiences or collective identity. Here are a few:

  1. Con nuestros propios ojos
    With our own eyes
  2. Example: Vimos el desfile con nuestros propios ojos.
    We saw the parade with our own eyes.

  3. De todos nuestros corazones
    From all of our hearts

  4. Example: Les deseamos mucha suerte de todos nuestros corazones.
    We wish you good luck from all of our hearts.

  5. En nuestro camino
    On our way

  6. Example: Siempre hemos encontrado desafíos en nuestro camino.
    We have always found challenges on our way.

  7. Es nuestro deber
    It's our duty

  8. Example: Es nuestro deber proteger el medio ambiente.
    It's our duty to protect the environment.

  9. Hacerlo a nuestro modo
    To do it our way

  10. Example: Vamos a hacer la fiesta a nuestro modo.
    We are going to throw the party our way.


The word "nuestro" comes from the Latin "noster," which also means "our." The evolution of the term reflects a consistent use in the context of possession and relationships.

Synonyms and Antonyms
