nueve - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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nueve (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "nueve" is a numeral (cardinal number) in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

"Nueve" is the Spanish word for the number nine. It is commonly used in both oral and written contexts, often appearing in counting, describing quantities, indicating time (e.g., nine o'clock), and in mathematics. In everyday conversation, it might be used to express age, as in "tengo nueve años," or to describe the time, as in "son las nueve."

The word "nueve" has moderate frequency of use and is prevalent in both speech and writing.

Example Sentences

  1. Tengo nueve manzanas en la cesta.
  2. I have nine apples in the basket.

  3. La película empieza a las nueve de la noche.

  4. The movie starts at nine o'clock at night.

  5. Él tiene nueve años y le encanta jugar al fútbol.

  6. He is nine years old and loves to play soccer.

Idiomatic Expressions

Though "nueve" itself is not often found in idiomatic expressions, it can be part of phrases where numbers can convey meaning or exaggeration. Here are a few examples:

  1. Estar en la luna de abril ("to be on the April moon," basically implying someone is out of touch or not present). While "nueve" isn't in this phrase, it's often used in variations when comparing numbers (like nine lives, etc.):
  2. Cuando le pregunté por su tarea, estaba en la luna de abril.
  3. When I asked him about his homework, he was completely out of touch.

  4. Nueve de cada diez (literally "nine out of ten," often used to imply a strong majority or consensus):

  5. Nueve de cada diez estudiantes aprobaron el examen.
  6. Nine out of ten students passed the exam.

  7. Doble de nueve (referring to the number eighteen but can imply emphasis on two times something):

  8. Si haces doble de nueve, tienes dieciocho.
  9. If you double nine, you get eighteen.


The word "nueve" comes from the Latin "novem," which also means nine. It has cognates in various other languages that stem from the same root, reflecting the commonalities in numbering systems.

Synonyms and Antonyms



In conclusion, "nueve" is a fundamental numeral in Spanish, commonly employed in various contexts and carries both straightforward numeric value and symbolic meanings in some idiomatic expressions.
