nuevo - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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nuevo (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The word "nuevo" is primarily used in Spanish to describe something that is new, recent, or fresh. It applies to both tangible and intangible things, such as objects, ideas, or experiences. In everyday usage, "nuevo" can indicate the condition of being unused, created recently, or a change in status.

In terms of frequency, "nuevo" is commonly used in both oral and written contexts, but it may appear more frequently in advertisements or descriptions of products and services, where novelty is a key attraction.

Example Sentences: - Este coche es nuevo. - This car is new.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Nuev@"/"Nuevo" often finds its way into idiomatic expressions that denote novelty, freshness, or change. Here are some examples:

  1. A nuevo
  2. Meaning: To start fresh or anew.
  3. Example: Después de este fracaso, quiero empezar a nuevo.

    • After this failure, I want to start anew.
  4. Al nuevo mundo

  5. Meaning: To explore new opportunities or territories.
  6. Example: Ellos se aventuraron al nuevo mundo en busca de fortuna.

    • They ventured into the new world in search of fortune.
  7. Cada día es un nuevo comienzo

  8. Meaning: Every day is a new beginning.
  9. Example: Debes recordar que cada día es un nuevo comienzo.

    • You should remember that every day is a new beginning.
  10. Nuevo en el barrio

  11. Meaning: Someone new in the community/area.
  12. Example: Todos quisimos conocer al nuevo en el barrio.
    • We all wanted to meet the new person in the neighborhood.


The word "nuevo" comes from the Latin "novus," which means new or fresh. It is closely related to several other terms in Spanish derived from the same root, including "renovar" (to renew) and "novel" (novel, as in a work of fiction).

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - reciente (recent) - innovador (innovative) - fresco (fresh) - novedoso (novel)

Antonyms: - viejo (old) - usado (used) - antiguo (ancient) - desgastado (worn)

In summary, "nuevo" is a versatile adjective that is prevalent in both casual and formal Spanish, embodying the concept of novelty and freshness across various contexts.
