nuez - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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nuez (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation


Part of Speech

Nuez is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription

/nweθ/ (in Castilian Spanish) or /nwez/ (in Latin American Spanish).

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

Nuez refers to the edible fruit of certain trees, particularly the walnut, almonds, and other similar seeds. It is commonly used in both culinary contexts and in botany when discussing the parts of plants.

In Spanish, the term is often used in both oral and written contexts, but it is more frequently seen in culinary recipes or discussions that focus on nutrition and botany.

Example Sentences

  1. Me encanta comer una nuez mientras leo.
    I love to eat a nut while I read.

  2. La nuez es un ingrediente saludable en las ensaladas.
    The walnut is a healthy ingredient in salads.

  3. Es importante que la nuez esté fresca para disfrutar de su sabor.
    It is important that the walnut is fresh to enjoy its flavor.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word nuez is less common in idiomatic expressions. However, it can appear metaphorically to represent ideas of nourishment or protection due to the hard shell that surrounds its core.

Example Idiomatic Expressions

  1. A plena nuez
  2. "Disfrutamos el chocolate a plena nuez después de la cena."
  3. We enjoyed chocolate at full nut after dinner.

  4. Cargar con la nuez

  5. "A veces tenemos que cargar con la nuez de nuestras responsabilidades."
  6. Sometimes we have to carry the nut of our responsibilities.


The word nuez comes from the Latin nux, which means "nut." It has similar forms in other Romance languages, revealing its Latin roots.

Synonyms and Antonyms



This comprehensive look at nuez highlights its linguistic, cultural, and botanical significance in the Spanish language.
