nulidad - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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nulidad (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

The term "nulidad" refers to the condition of being null or void, particularly in legal contexts where an act, contract, or decision is declared invalid and without legal effect. In everyday language, it can also signify the idea of something being nullified or rendered ineffective.

Frequency of Use:
"Nulidad" is frequently used in both oral and written contexts, especially in legal jargon, contracts, and courts. Its use is prevalent in legal documents, discussions, and works relating to jurisprudence.

Example Sentences

  1. La nulidad del contrato fue declarada por el juez.
    The nullity of the contract was declared by the judge.

  2. Se argumentó que la nulidad de la decisión afectaba la validez del proceso.
    It was argued that the nullity of the decision affected the validity of the process.

  3. La nulidad de la acción se debe a la falta de consentimiento.
    The nullity of the action is due to the lack of consent.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "nulidad" might not have a vast number of idiomatic expressions directly related to it, it often appears in legal language and formal phrases. Here are some common usages in different expressions:

  1. Declarar la nulidad
  2. "El tribunal tuvo que declarar la nulidad del testamento por irregularidades."
    The court had to declare the nullity of the will due to irregularities.

  3. Efectos de nulidad

  4. "Los efectos de nulidad se extienden a todos los contratos firmados bajo coerción."
    The effects of nullity extend to all contracts signed under duress.

  5. Nulidad absoluta

  6. "La nulidad absoluta de un acto jurídico significa que nunca tuvo validez."
    The absolute nullity of a legal act means that it never held validity.

  7. Nulidad relativa

  8. "La nulidad relativa se puede subsanar si se cumplen ciertos requisitos."
    Relative nullity can be remedied if certain requirements are met.

  9. Causas de nulidad

  10. "Es importante conocer las causas de nulidad para evitar futuros problemas legales."
    It is important to know the causes of nullity to avoid future legal issues.


The word "nulidad" derives from Latin "nullitas," which comes from "nullus," meaning "none" or "not any." The term has evolved through Old Spanish into its current form, retaining the essence of invalidity or voidness.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Invalidación (invalidity) - Ineficacia (ineffectiveness) - Inexistencia (non-existence)

Antonyms: - Validez (validity) - Legalidad (legality) - Eficacia (effectiveness)
