nupcial - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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nupcial (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The term "nupcial" refers to anything related to marriage, weddings, or couples. It is used to describe ceremonies, customs, or elements associated with the institution of marriage. The frequency of use is moderate; it is commonly found in both oral and written contexts, particularly in formal or ceremonial discussions about weddings.

Example Sentences

  1. Las bodas nupciales se celebran en diferentes lugares del mundo.
    Nuptial weddings are celebrated in different places around the world.

  2. El traje nupcial de la novia era simplemente impresionante.
    The bride's nuptial dress was simply stunning.

  3. Los votos nupciales son una parte esencial de la ceremonia.
    The nuptial vows are an essential part of the ceremony.

Idiomatic Expressions

In Spanish, "nupcial" appears in various idiomatic expressions related to marriage and weddings. Here are some examples:

  1. Noche nupcial
    La noche nupcial es la primera noche que pasan juntos los recién casados.
    The nuptial night is the first night that newlyweds spend together.

  2. Luz nupcial
    La luz nupcial iluminaba los rostros de los novios durante la ceremonia.
    The nuptial light illuminated the faces of the couple during the ceremony.

  3. Danza nupcial
    La danza nupcial fue un momento muy emotivo para todos los invitados.
    The nuptial dance was a very emotional moment for all the guests.

  4. Bodas nupciales de oro
    Sus bodas nupciales de oro fueron celebradas con una gran fiesta familiar.
    Their golden nuptial anniversary was celebrated with a big family party.

  5. Cortejo nupcial
    El cortejo nupcial era impresionante, con flores y música especial.
    The nuptial procession was impressive, with flowers and special music.


The word "nupcial" originates from the Latin word "nuptialis," which is derived from "nuptiae," meaning "wedding" or "marriage." This reflects its long-standing association with matrimonial themes.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Overall, "nupcial" is a term deeply rooted in cultural and social practices related to marriage, thus featuring prominently in both language and society.
