nutrido - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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nutrido (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The word nutrido in Spanish describes something that is well-nourished or rich, often used in reference to food or diet, but can also describe a person with a healthy physique due to adequate nourishment. The frequency of use is moderate, as it is commonly used in both oral and written contexts, particularly in discussions about nutrition, health, and wellness.

Example Sentences

  1. Tu hijo está muy nutrido gracias a su dieta equilibrada.
  2. Your son is very well-fed thanks to his balanced diet.

  3. El libro es nutrido en contenido, por lo que se necesita tiempo para leerlo.

  4. The book is rich in content, so it takes time to read.

  5. Los animales en el zoológico parecen estar bien nutridos.

  6. The animals at the zoo seem to be well-fed.

Idiomatic Expressions

Though "nutrido" is not commonly featured as a standalone idiomatic expression, it can be part of phrases related to nutrition and well-being.

  1. Una comida bien nutrida es esencial para el desarrollo de los niños.
  2. A well-nourished meal is essential for children's development.

  3. Es importante mantener una dieta nutrida para evitar enfermedades.

  4. It is important to maintain a nutritious diet to prevent diseases.

  5. Después de semanas de trabajo duro, su mente estaba nutrida con nuevas ideas.

  6. After weeks of hard work, her mind was nourished with new ideas.

  7. El jardín estaba nutrido con abono, lo que ayudó a las plantas a crecer sanas.

  8. The garden was nourished with fertilizer, which helped the plants grow healthy.


The word nutrido comes from the Latin verb nutrire, meaning "to nourish" or "to feed." The suffix -ido indicates a state of being, thus conveying the meaning of being nourished.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Alimentado (fed) - Sustentado (sustained) - Rico (rich in the context of nutrition)

Antonyms: - Desnutrido (malnourished) - Hambriento (hungry) - Flaco (thin, in the context of insufficient nourishment)

This comprehensive explanation of the term nutrido should give you a detailed understanding of its use, meanings, and context in the Spanish language.
