o sea - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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o sea (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

Example Sentences

  1. "No me gusta mucho el chocolate, o sea, prefiero la vainilla."
  2. "I don't really like chocolate, that is to say, I prefer vanilla."

  3. "Estaba cansado, o sea, no podía concentrarme."

  4. "I was tired, in other words, I couldn't concentrate."

  5. "Si llegas tarde, o sea, perderás el tren."

  6. "If you arrive late, I mean, you will miss the train."

Idiomatic Expressions

The phrase "o sea" is often found in various idiomatic structures to provide emphasis or clarification. Here are some idiomatic expressions and their translations:

  1. "No sé, o sea, no tengo idea."
  2. "I don't know, I mean, I have no idea."

  3. "Es un buen amigo, o sea, siempre está allí cuando lo necesito."

  4. "He is a good friend, that is to say, he is always there when I need him."

  5. "Me gustan las películas de acción, o sea, no puedo resistirlas."

  6. "I like action movies, in other words, I can't resist them."

  7. "Estudiaste mucho, o sea, pasaste el examen sin problemas."

  8. "You studied a lot, I mean, you passed the exam without problems."

  9. "Siempre voy al gimnasio, o sea, trato de mantenerme en forma."

  10. "I always go to the gym, that is to say, I try to stay fit."

  11. "La comida estaba deliciosa; o sea, quiero volver a este restaurante."

  12. "The food was delicious; in other words, I want to go back to this restaurant."


The phrase "o sea" comes from the Spanish word "sea," which is the first person singular present subjunctive form of the verb "ser" (to be). The word "o" is the conjunction meaning "or." The combination suggests an explanatory or clarifying statement.

Synonyms and Antonyms
