obedecer - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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obedecer (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Use

“Obedecer” is a verb that means to comply with or to follow orders, laws, rules, or requests. It is used in both formal and informal contexts, generally indicating a sense of respect or acknowledgment of authority. The frequency of use is moderate to high and it appears in both oral and written contexts.

Example sentences: 1. Los niños deben obedecer a sus padres. - The children must obey their parents.

  1. Es importante obedecer las leyes para vivir en sociedad.
  2. It is important to obey the laws to live in society.

  3. Siempre debo obedecer las instrucciones del maestro.

  4. I always have to obey the teacher's instructions.

Idiomatic Expressions

The verb "obedecer" is commonly used in several idiomatic expressions and phrases in Spanish. Here are a few:

  1. Obedecer a rajatabla.
  2. Translation: To obey to the letter.
  3. Example: El trabajador debe obedecer a rajatabla las normas de seguridad.

    • The worker must obey the safety rules to the letter.
  4. Obedecer como un perro.

  5. Translation: To obey like a dog.
  6. Example: El niño obedecía como un perro a su maestro.

    • The boy obeyed like a dog to his teacher.
  7. Obedecer sin rechistar.

  8. Translation: To obey without complaining.
  9. Example: Es preferible obedecer sin rechistar si quieres mantener la paz.

    • It is preferable to obey without complaining if you want to maintain peace.
  10. Obedecer a ciegas.

  11. Translation: To obey blindly.
  12. Example: No es sensato obedecer a ciegas a cualquier autoridad.
    • It’s not wise to obey blindly any authority.


The verb "obedecer" comes from the Latin "oboedĭre," which is a combination of "ob-" meaning "to" and "audīre" meaning "to hear." This etymology suggests the idea of hearing and following orders or commands.

Synonyms and Antonyms

This comprehensive analysis of the verb “obedecer” highlights its significance in both everyday language and its legal context, showcasing how it penetrates various domains of expression in the Spanish language.
