obispo - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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obispo (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The term "obispo" refers to a high-ranking member of the clergy in Christian denominations, specifically in Catholic, Orthodox, and some Protestant churches. The role of an obispo includes overseeing multiple congregations and providing spiritual leadership. The word is quite commonly used in both oral and written contexts, often seen in religious texts, discussions about church hierarchy, or ecclesiastical governance.

Example Sentences

  1. El obispo de la ciudad celebró una misa especial por la paz.
  2. The bishop of the city held a special mass for peace.

  3. El obispo fue a visitar a los enfermos en el hospital.

  4. The bishop went to visit the sick in the hospital.

  5. La reunión del clero fue presidida por el obispo.

  6. The clergy's meeting was presided over by the bishop.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "obispo" is less commonly found in idiomatic expressions in Spanish compared to other terms. However, in some contexts, it can be involved in phrases related to authority, leadership, or guidance.

  1. Dar el obispo - To assume authority or take charge (used less commonly).
  2. No podemos dar el obispo sin la aprobación del consejo.
  3. We cannot take charge without the council's approval.

  4. Obispo de su propia tierra - Bishop of one's own land, referring to someone who is in a position of authority in their own domain.

  5. Cada quien es obispo de su propia tierra y debe tomar decisiones que beneficien a su comunidad.
  6. Everyone is the bishop of their own land and must make decisions that benefit their community.


The word "obispo" is derived from the Latin "episcopus," which itself comes from the Greek "ἐπίσκοπος" (episkopos), meaning "overseer" or "guardian." This reflects the role of a bishop as a spiritual overseer of a diocese or region in the Christian context.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Prelado (Prelate) - Jerarca (Hierarch)

Antonyms: - Laico (Layperson) - Seglar (Secular)

The term "obispo" carries significant weight in religious contexts and is central to discussions about church organization and duties, making it an important word in both everyday and scholarly vocabulary in Spanish.
