The word "objetivo" refers to something that one aims to achieve, a purpose or goal. In Spanish, it is commonly used in various contexts, including personal aspirations, professional objectives, strategic goals in business, or even in everyday tasks. Its frequency of use is quite high, and it is employed in both oral speech and written contexts. However, it tends to be more prevalent in formal or academic writing.
Example Sentences
El objetivo de este proyecto es mejorar la calidad del servicio.
The objective of this project is to improve the quality of the service.
Cada persona debe tener un objetivo claro en la vida.
Every person should have a clear goal in life.
La empresa estableció varios objetivos para el próximo año fiscal.
The company set several objectives for the next fiscal year.
Idiomatic Expressions
"Objetivo" is frequently used in various idiomatic expressions to convey different meanings or contexts:
Tener un objetivo claro
Significa que una persona debe conocer exactamente qué quiere alcanzar.
To have a clear objective means that a person should know exactly what they want to achieve.
Ejemplo: Es crucial tener un objetivo claro antes de comenzar cualquier proyecto.
It's crucial to have a clear objective before starting any project.
Cumplir un objetivo
Hace referencia a alcanzar o lograr una meta establecida.
To fulfill an objective refers to reaching or achieving a set goal.
Ejemplo: La organización logró cumplir su objetivo de recaudar fondos este año.
The organization managed to fulfill its objective of raising funds this year.
Establecer un objetivo
Significa definir y decidir una meta a alcanzar.
To establish an objective means to define and decide on a goal to be reached.
Ejemplo: Es importante establecer un objetivo antes de comenzar a trabajar en equipo.
It is important to establish an objective before starting to work as a team.
The word "objetivo" derives from the latín "objectivus," que significa "algo que es percibido". Tiene raíces en "obiectum", que se refiere a un objeto, algo que es mostrado o colocado ante la vista.