/oβeˈtiβo maˈɾitimo/
"Objetivo marítimo" refers to a target or goal related to the maritime domain, typically used in military contexts. It can include objectives such as capturing a specific ship, controlling a certain area of the sea, or any other goal pertaining to maritime operations. This term is more commonly used in written military reports or briefings but can also appear in oral conversations within military circles.
Logramos alcanzar nuestro objetivo marítimo esta noche. (We managed to achieve our maritime objective tonight.)
Fijar un objetivo marítimo: To set a maritime objective.
Es fundamental fijar un objetivo marítimo claro antes de zarpar. (It's essential to set a clear maritime objective before setting sail.)
Defender un objetivo marítimo: To defend a maritime objective.
"Objetivo marítimo" comes from the combination of the Spanish words "objetivo" (objective) and "marítimo" (maritime).