objetos - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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objetos (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Noun (plural)

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The word "objetos" in Spanish refers to tangible items or things that can be perceived by the senses and are usually categorized according to their use or purpose. In legal and technical contexts, "objetos" may refer to items of evidence, legal objects (such as assets or properties), or technical items in various fields such as engineering, mechanics, and architecture.

"Objetos" is a frequently used term in both written and oral contexts, commonly appearing in everyday language, academic literature, and legal documents. It is particularly common in discussions related to physical items, collections, property, or evidence in law.

Example Sentences

  1. Los objetos de la investigación fueron presentados en el juicio.
  2. The objects of the investigation were presented in the trial.

  3. Debemos clasificar los objetos según su material y tamaño.

  4. We must classify the objects according to their material and size.

  5. Los objetos perdidos deben entregarse a la oficina de objetos encontrados.

  6. Lost objects must be turned in to the lost and found office.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "objetos" is not typically used in many idiomatic expressions by itself; however, it can appear in various phrases or contexts that highlight its meaning. Here are some idiomatic expressions that involve similar concepts:

  1. Objetos de deseo
  2. "El coche nuevo se convirtió en un objeto de deseo para todos."
  3. "The new car became an object of desire for everyone."

  4. Objetos voladores no identificados (OVNIS)

  5. "Se reportaron varios objetos voladores no identificados en la zona."
  6. "Several unidentified flying objects were reported in the area."

  7. Objetos personales

  8. "Por favor, no dejes objetos personales en la oficina."
  9. "Please do not leave personal objects in the office."

  10. Objetos de colección

  11. "Los objetos de colección pueden aumentar su valor con el tiempo."
  12. "Collectible objects can increase in value over time."


The word "objeto" comes from the Latin "objectum", which means "a thing thrown before" or "something presented". The root derives from "ob" meaning "against" or "to" and "jacere" meaning "to throw".

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Elementos (elements) - Artículos (articles) - Cosas (things)

Antonyms: - Abstracciones (abstractions) - Conceptos (concepts) - Ideas (ideas)

This breakdown emphasizes the significance of "objetos" across various contexts and its utility in the Spanish language.
