oblicuo - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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oblicuo (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The word "oblicuo" is an adjective that describes something that is not vertical or horizontal but instead angled or inclined. It can refer to physical positions or orientations in various contexts, such as geometry, anatomy, and even figurative expressions in language. It is used fairly frequently in both oral and written contexts, especially in technical fields like geometry, medicine, and engineering.

Example Sentences

  1. El ángulo oblicuo es importante para determinar la estructura del edificio.
  2. The oblique angle is important for determining the structure of the building.

  3. Los músculos oblicuos son esenciales para el movimiento del torso.

  4. The oblique muscles are essential for the movement of the torso.

  5. En matemáticas, el término oblicuo se usa para describir líneas que no son paralelas ni perpendiculares.

  6. In mathematics, the term oblique is used to describe lines that are neither parallel nor perpendicular.

Idiomatic Expressions Involving "Oblicuo"

The word "oblicuo" can be part of a few idiomatic expressions, primarily in contexts where angles or indirectness are referenced.

  1. Mirar de manera oblicua
  2. Aquel comentario lo miré de manera oblicua, ya que no sabía si era una crítica.
  3. I looked at that comment obliquely, as I didn’t know if it was a criticism.

  4. Camino oblicuo

  5. Tomé un camino oblicuo para evitar el tráfico principal.
  6. I took an oblique path to avoid the main traffic.

  7. Hablar de manera oblicua

  8. A veces es mejor hablar de manera oblicua para no herir sensibilidades.
  9. Sometimes it's better to speak obliquely to avoid hurting feelings.

  10. Posición oblicua

  11. Su posición oblicua en la reunión generó confusiones.
  12. His oblique position in the meeting generated confusion.


The word "oblicuo" comes from the Latin "obliquus," which means "slanting" or "crooked." This etymology reflects its quality of describing angles that are neither straight nor direct.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Inclinado (inclined) - Sesgado (slanting) - Torcido (twisted)

Antonyms: - Recto (straight) - Vertical (vertical) - Horizontal (horizontal)
