obligaciones - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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obligaciones (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Noun (plural)

Phonetic Transcription

/obliɣaˈθjones/ (in Spain) or /obliɡaˈsjones/ (in Latin America)

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The term "obligaciones" refers to legal or moral responsibilities that individuals or entities must fulfill. In economics, "obligaciones" can refer to debts or financial commitments, often resulting in a requirement to pay or act in accordance with a contract or law. In a legal context, it typically pertains to the obligations enforced by law that individuals or organizations must adhere to.

Frequency of use is relatively high, as it is a common term in both oral and written contexts, particularly in discussions related to finance, law, and personal responsibilities.

Example Sentences

  1. Las obligaciones fiscales deben cumplirse al inicio del año.
  2. Tax obligations must be fulfilled at the beginning of the year.

  3. Las obligaciones de un contrato son vinculantes para ambas partes.

  4. The obligations of a contract are binding for both parties.

  5. Es importante entender las obligaciones legales al iniciar un negocio.

  6. It is important to understand the legal obligations when starting a business.

Idiomatic Expressions Involving "Obligaciones"

While "obligaciones" may not feature prominently in distinct idiomatic expressions, it is commonly used within phrases emphasizing duties or responsibilities.

Example Sentences with Context

  1. Cumplir con las obligaciones es un signo de responsabilidad.
  2. Fulfilling obligations is a sign of responsibility.

  3. No puedo evitar mis obligaciones, tengo que asistir a la reunión.

  4. I cannot avoid my obligations; I have to attend the meeting.

  5. Las obligaciones de la vida diaria pueden ser abrumadoras.

  6. The obligations of daily life can be overwhelming.

  7. Es fundamental priorizar las obligaciones, sobre todo en tiempos de crisis.

  8. It's essential to prioritize obligations, especially in times of crisis.


The word "obligaciones" derives from the Latin term "obligatio," which means a binding or a tying. The root "obligare" translates to "to bind," reflecting the concept of being bound to fulfill certain duties or responsibilities.

Synonyms and Antonyms


