obrar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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obrar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "obrar" is a verb.

Phonetic Transcription

/ oˈβɾaɾ /

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The verb "obrar" means to act or do something, often in a way that is intentional and conscious. It can refer to taking action in various contexts, such as performing a task or undertaking an operation. In legal terms, it can mean to take action or execute a legal function.

Frequency of Use

"Obrar" is used in both oral and written contexts, but it is more commonly found in formal or literary texts. It is less frequent in everyday conversation.

Example Sentences

  1. La empresa debe obrar con responsabilidad en sus decisiones.
    The company must act responsibly in its decisions.

  2. Es importante obrar de manera ética y justa.
    It is important to operate in an ethical and fair manner.

  3. El abogado obró en nombre de su cliente.
    The lawyer acted on behalf of his client.

Idiomatic Expressions

The verb "obrar" is sometimes used in idiomatic expressions, especially in legal, ethical, or moral contexts.

  1. Obrar en el bien.
    To act for the good.
    Es fundamental obrar en el bien de la comunidad.
    It is essential to act for the good of the community.

  2. Obrar de acuerdo.
    To act in accordance with.
    Debemos obrar de acuerdo con las leyes internacionales.
    We must act in accordance with international laws.

  3. Obrar la justicia.
    To administer justice.
    El juez tiene el deber de obrar la justicia en cada caso.
    The judge has the duty to administer justice in each case.

  4. Obrar sin mirar atrás.
    To act without looking back.
    Es mejor obrar sin mirar atrás y seguir adelante.
    It is better to act without looking back and move forward.


The word "obrar" comes from the Latin "operare," which means "to work" or "to perform." The Latin root is linked to the concept of action and doing.



This comprehensive overview provides insights into the verb "obrar," its meanings, uses, and phrases associated with it, along with its etymological background and synonym-antonym relationships.
