observaciones - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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observaciones (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Observaciones" is a noun in plural form.

Phonetic Transcription

/obθeɾβaˈθjones/ (in Spain) or /obseɾβaˈsjonɛs/ (in Latin America)

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Use in the Spanish Language

"Observaciones" refers to the act of observing something or the notes and comments made about a particular subject. In statistical contexts, it often pertains to observations collected during research, experiments, or surveys. The term is widely used in both oral and written formats, especially in academic and professional settings. Its frequency of use can be considered high due to its relevance in various fields like science, sociology, and business.

Example Sentences

  1. En el experimento hicimos varias observaciones para recoger datos precisos.
  2. In the experiment, we made several observations to gather accurate data.

  3. Las observaciones realizadas durante el estudio fueron fundamentales para interpretar los resultados.

  4. The observations made during the study were fundamental for interpreting the results.

  5. Los investigadores compartieron sus observaciones en la conferencia sobre metodología de investigación.

  6. The researchers shared their observations at the conference on research methodology.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "observaciones" is not commonly found in idiomatic expressions, it is often used in phrases where reflection or commentary is implied. Here are some related examples:

  1. "Hacer observaciones."
  2. To make observations.
  3. Es importante hacer observaciones sobre el comportamiento de los sujetos en el estudio.
  4. It is important to make observations about the behavior of the subjects in the study.

  5. "Tomar nota de las observaciones."

  6. To take note of the observations.
  7. El investigador debe tomar nota de las observaciones durante el análisis de datos.
  8. The researcher must take note of the observations during the data analysis.

  9. "Las observaciones son clave."

  10. The observations are key.
  11. Las observaciones son clave para el éxito del proyecto de investigación.
  12. The observations are key to the success of the research project.


The word "observaciones" is derived from the Latin "observatio," which means "watching over" or "careful watching." The prefix "ob-" means "over" or "against," while "servare" translates to "to keep" or "to watch." This etymology reflects the act of closely monitoring or noting details about a subject.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Notas (notes) - Comentarios (remarks) - Apuntes (jottings)

Antonyms: - Ignorancia (ignorance) - Descuido (neglect) - Desobservación (lack of observation)

In conclusion, "observaciones" plays a crucial role in both academic and everyday contexts, serving as a fundamental term in recording and interpreting data and events.
