obsesionar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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obsesionar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

"Obsesionar" refers to the act of preoccupying someone’s mind to an excessive degree. It is commonly used in both general and psychiatric contexts to describe a person’s fixation on a particular idea, person, or situation. The usage is frequent in both oral and written contexts, especially in discussions related to mental health, relationships, and personal interests.

Example Sentences

  1. Estoy obsesionando con un libro que no puedo dejar de leer.
    I am obsessing over a book that I can't stop reading.

  2. Su obsesionar por la perfección le causa mucho estrés.
    His obsession with perfection causes him a lot of stress.

  3. Ella tiende a obsesionar a menudo por cosas pequeñas.
    She tends to obsess often over small things.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Obsesionar" is often found in idiomatic expressions or phrases that illustrate fixations or intense focus:

  1. Obsesionarse con algo
    Es fácil obsesionarse con llamar su atención.
    It's easy to obsess over getting his attention.

  2. Estar obsesionado con
    Está obsesionado con la idea de viajar por el mundo.
    He is obsessed with the idea of traveling around the world.

  3. Obsesionar a alguien
    Su comportamiento puede obsesionar a los demás.
    His behavior can obsess others.

  4. Quedarse obsesionado
    Me quedé obsesionado con la serie después de verla una vez.
    I became obsessed with the series after watching it once.

  5. Obsesión por algo
    Su obsesión por las redes sociales es preocupante.
    His obsession with social media is concerning.


The word "obsesionar" derives from the Latin "obsessio," which means "siege" or "blockade," combining with the verb "obsidere," which means "to besiege." Over time, it evolved in Spanish to describe the idea of being besieged by thoughts or ideas.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Preocupar (to worry) - Atormentar (to torment) - Abarcar (to encompass)

Antonyms: - Despreocupar (to unburden) - Liberar (to free) - Soltar (to let go)

This comprehensive overview provides insights into the usage, meaning, and nuances associated with the verb "obsesionar."
