obsolescencia - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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obsolescencia (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

Meaning: Obsolescencia refers to the process of becoming obsolete or outdated, which often occurs when a product or process is no longer used or is replaced by newer innovations. In economic terms, it describes the decline in usage or relevance of a product, concept, or technology. In medicine, it may refer to therapies or procedures that have been superseded by more effective options.

Usage: The term is commonly used in both oral and written contexts, predominantly in discussions around economic theories, technological advancements, and healthcare evolution.

Frequency of Use: Obsolescencia is frequently used in academic, technical, and professional settings, especially within economics and healthcare discussions.

Example Sentences

  1. La obsolescencia planificada ha llevado a un aumento en el consumo global.
  2. Planned obsolescence has led to an increase in global consumption.

  3. La obsolescencia de ciertos medicamentos puede afectar la calidad de atención médica.

  4. The obsolescence of certain medications can affect the quality of healthcare.

  5. En el mundo tecnológico, la obsolescencia es un fenómeno constante.

  6. In the technological world, obsolescence is a constant phenomenon.

Idiomatic Expressions

While the word "obsolescencia" itself may not be commonly featured in idiomatic expressions, it can appear in contexts that highlight the concept of redundancy or outdatedness. Here are some expressions and sentences that utilize the idea surrounding obsolescence:

  1. "En la vida, no hay lugar para la obsolescencia personal."
  2. "In life, there is no room for personal obsolescence."

  3. "La obsolescencia de las ideas es un reto constante en el mundo académico."

  4. "The obsolescence of ideas is a constant challenge in the academic world."

  5. "La industria automotriz enfrenta la obsolescencia si no innova regularmente."

  6. "The automotive industry faces obsolescence if it does not innovate regularly."

  7. “Las empresas deben adaptarse para evitar la obsolescencia de sus productos.”

  8. “Companies must adapt to avoid the obsolescence of their products.”

  9. "La obsolescencia digital es un desafío para muchas pequeñas empresas."

  10. "Digital obsolescence is a challenge for many small businesses."


The term "obsolescencia" comes from the Latin word "obsolescentia," which stems from "obsolescere," meaning "to fall into disuse" or "to grow old." It reflects a process of diminishing relevance over time.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Desuso (disuse) - Anticuado (outdated) - Desactualización (de-update)

Antonyms: - Actualidad (relevance) - Vigencia (validity) - Modernidad (modernity)

This comprehensive analysis of "obsolescencia" illustrates its significance in economics and medicine, alongside its linguistic and contextual nuances.
