obstetricia - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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obstetricia (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Use

"Obstetricia" refers to the branch of medicine that deals with childbirth and the care of the mother during pregnancy, labor, and the postpartum period. It is primarily used in medical contexts, especially within discussions related to pregnancy and reproductive health.

In Spanish, "obstetricia" tends to be used more in written contexts, such as medical texts, articles, and reports, rather than in everyday oral conversation. However, it is also recognized in spoken language among healthcare professionals.

Example Sentences

  1. La obstetricia es esencial para garantizar un parto seguro.
  2. Obstetrics is essential to ensure a safe delivery.

  3. Estudiar obstetricia requiere años de formación especializada.

  4. Studying obstetrics requires years of specialized training.

  5. Los avances en obstetricia han mejorado significativamente la salud materna.

  6. Advances in obstetrics have significantly improved maternal health.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "obstetricia" isn't commonly featured in many idiomatic expressions in Spanish, it can be referenced within phrases that relate specifically to childbirth and maternal health. Here are a few relevant contexts:

  1. "La obstetricia y la pediatría van de la mano para la salud del bebé."
  2. Obstetrics and pediatrics go hand in hand for the health of the baby.

  3. "Los cursos de obstetricia ayudan a preparar a las futuras mamás."

  4. Courses in obstetrics help prepare future moms.

  5. "El papel del médico en obstetricia es fundamental durante el embarazo."

  6. The role of the doctor in obstetrics is fundamental during pregnancy.

  7. "La formación en obstetricia es cada vez más importante en la atención de la salud."

  8. Training in obstetrics is becoming increasingly important in healthcare.

  9. "Los talleres de obstetricia han aumentado en popularidad entre los profesionales de la salud."

  10. Obstetrics workshops have increased in popularity among healthcare professionals.

  11. "La práctica de la obstetricia exige no solo conocimiento médico, sino también empatía."

  12. The practice of obstetrics requires not only medical knowledge but also empathy.


The word "obstetricia" comes from the Latin "obstetricia," which in turn derives from "obstetrix," meaning "midwife." "Obstetrix" combines the prefix "ob" (meaning "in front of" or "against") and "stare" (to stand), relating to the stance of a midwife during childbirth.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Medicina obstétrica (Obstetric medicine) - Ginecología (Gynecology) – related but broader

Antonyms: There are no direct antonyms for "obstetricia." However, one might consider general medical practices outside of reproductive health, like "medicina general" (general medicine), as a contrasting field.
