obturador - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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obturador (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "obturador" is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription

The phonetic transcription of "obturador" using the International Phonetic Alphabet is /obtuɾaˈðoɾ/.

Translation Options into English

The word "obturador" can be translated into English as: - shutter (in photography) - obturator (in technical and medical contexts)

Meaning and Use

In Spanish, "obturador" refers to a device that closes an opening or inhibits the flow of substances, typically light or liquids. In photography, it is used to denote the mechanism that controls the duration of light exposure. In technical contexts, it may refer to devices that close or block passages.

The frequency of use varies by context: - In photography, it is a common term, frequently used in both oral and written forms. - In medical or technical contexts, it might be more specialized and thus more prevalent in written documents.

Example Sentences

  1. El obturador de la cámara se abrió para capturar la imagen.
    The shutter of the camera opened to capture the image.

  2. Este tipo de obturador es esencial para prevenir la fuga de líquidos en el sistema.
    This type of obturator is essential to prevent liquid leakage in the system.

  3. Ajustar el obturador correctamente es crucial para obtener buenas fotografías.
    Adjusting the shutter correctly is crucial for taking good photographs.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "obturador" does not have numerous idiomatic expressions tied specifically to it, it can be used more broadly in technical or photographic jargon. Here are some contextual uses related to the term:

  1. "El obturador abierto" - se usa para referirse a una oportunidad que se presenta.
    "The shutter open" - is used to refer to an opportunity that presents itself.

  2. "Caer como un obturador" - implica que algo o alguien está bloqueando o impidiendo el avance.
    "To fall like a shutter" - implies that something or someone is blocking or hindering progress.

  3. "Cerrar el obturador" - podría usarse en sentido figurado para hablar sobre poner fin a situaciones.
    "Close the shutter" - could be used figuratively to talk about ending situations.


The word "obturador" comes from the Latin verb obturare, which means "to stop up, close". The root of the word stems from ob (against) and turare (to cover).

Synonyms and Antonyms



This information provides a comprehensive overview of the term "obturador" across various domains.
