ocurrir - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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ocurrir (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Ocurrir is a verb in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The verb ocurrir means to happen or to take place. It is used to describe events or occurrences, often implying a spontaneous or unexpected nature. Ocurrir can be used in various contexts, from casual conversations to formal writing, making it a versatile verb in the Spanish language.

In terms of frequency, ocurrir is often used in both oral and written contexts, but it might be slightly more common in written form, such as in news articles or reports, where occurrences or events are being described.

Example Sentences

  1. El accidente ocurrió en la mañana.
    (The accident happened in the morning.)

  2. No sé qué va a ocurrir durante la reunión.
    (I don’t know what will happen during the meeting.)

  3. Es sorprendente cómo pueden ocurrir cosas inesperadas.
    (It’s surprising how unexpected things can occur.)

Idiomatic Expressions

Ocurrir is often used in various idiomatic expressions in Spanish:

  1. Ocurrirle a alguien
  2. Meaning: To occur to someone, typically referring to an idea or thought.
  3. Example: Se le ocurrió una brillante idea para el proyecto.
    (A brilliant idea for the project occurred to him.)

  4. Ocurrirsele a uno

  5. Meaning: To come to mind for someone, often when talking about solutions or suggestions.
  6. Example: No se me ocurre nada que pueda ayudar.
    (Nothing comes to my mind that could help.)

  7. Pasa lo que pase, ocurrirá lo que tenga que ocurrir.

  8. Meaning: Come what may, what has to happen will happen.
  9. Example: Pasa lo que pase, ocurrirá lo que tenga que ocurrir en la vida.
    (Come what may, what has to happen will happen in life.)

  10. Ocurrir una desgracia

  11. Meaning: A tragedy occurs.
  12. Example: Si no tenemos cuidado, puede ocurrir una desgracia.
    (If we’re not careful, a tragedy may occur.)

  13. Lo que tiene que ocurrir, ocurrirá.

  14. Meaning: What is meant to happen will happen.
  15. Example: No te preocupes, lo que tiene que ocurrir, ocurrirá.
    (Don’t worry, what is meant to happen will happen.)


The word ocurrir comes from the Latin occurrere, which combines the prefix "ob-" (meaning against, towards) and "currere" (meaning to run). Therefore, its original sense can imply something that "runs towards" or comes to mind, which relates to its use in describing occurrences.

Synonyms and Antonyms


