ole - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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ole (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Ole" is an interjection in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

  1. Hooray!
  2. Bravo!
  3. Well done!

Meaning and Usage

"Ole" is commonly used to express approval, excitement, or enthusiasm, particularly in contexts such as performances, sports events, and celebrations. It is a word that conveys joy and celebration, often associated with Spanish culture, especially in flamenco dancing and bullfighting. It is used frequently in oral speech and has a strong presence in cultural contexts, making it popular among both native speakers and those familiar with Spanish traditions.

Example Sentences

  1. "Cuando el bailarín terminó su actuación, todos gritaron 'ole'."
    "When the dancer finished his performance, everyone shouted 'ole.'"

  2. "El público aplaudió y gritó 'ole' después del gol."
    "The audience applauded and shouted 'ole' after the goal."

  3. "Cada vez que escucho flamenco, me sale un 'ole' del corazón."
    "Every time I hear flamenco, an 'ole' comes from my heart."

Idiomatic Expressions

"Ole" is frequently used in several idiomatic expressions and contexts. Here are some examples:

  1. "¡Ole tu arte!"
    "Hooray for your art!" – This phrase is used to applaud someone's artistic capability or performance.

  2. "¡Ole por los campeones!"
    "Hooray for the champions!" – A cheer often used to celebrate a victory.

  3. "¡Ole, ole y ole!"
    "Hooray, hooray, and hooray!" – A traditional expression of enthusiasm, often shouted in a rhythmic manner during celebrations.

  4. "En la corrida de toros, el público grita 'ole' cuando el torero hace algo impresionante."
    "In the bullfight, the audience shouts 'ole' when the bullfighter does something impressive."

  5. "Le dije que toca la guitarra muy bien, ¡y eso merece un 'ole'!"
    "I told him he plays the guitar very well, and that deserves a 'ole'!"

  6. "En la fiesta, cada vez que alguien cuenta un chiste, todos responden con un 'ole'."
    "At the party, every time someone tells a joke, everyone responds with an 'ole.'"


The word "ole" has its roots in Spanish culture and is believed to stem from the Arabic expression "wa ilá," which translates to "and to." It was adopted and transformed over the years, particularly in the context of Spanish music and dance, to express excitement and appreciation.

Synonyms and Antonyms

In summary, "ole" is a vibrant expression filled with cultural significance, often accompanying moments of celebration and appreciation in various aspects of life.
