The word "oleaje" is a noun in Spanish.
Phonetic transcription: /oˈle.a.xe/
"oleaje" refers to the movement of waves in the sea, specifically indicating the swell produced by the wind. It is used to describe both the physical phenomenon of ocean waves as well as the conditions they create for activities like surfing or sailing.
In terms of frequency, "oleaje" is commonly used in both oral and written contexts, particularly in coastal regions or in discussions about marine activities, weather reports, and nautical conditions.
El oleaje en la playa era demasiado fuerte para nadar.
The waves at the beach were too strong to swim.
Los surfistas estaban emocionados por el oleaje que se esperaba durante el fin de semana.
The surfers were excited about the waves that were expected over the weekend.
El oleaje del mar agita la embarcación durante la tormenta.
The waves of the sea shake the boat during the storm.
"oleaje" is sometimes used in idiomatic expressions related to the sea or movement. While it might not feature heavily in idiomatic phrases, several expressions associate with its meaning:
Example: Después de la decepción, sentí que estaba a la deriva del oleaje de la vida.
After the disappointment, I felt like I was adrift in the waves of life.
Example: Siempre es difícil navegar entre oleajes en los negocios.
It’s always difficult to navigate among waves in business.
Example: Tras dejar la ciudad, finalmente aprendí a vivir al ritmo del oleaje.
After leaving the city, I finally learned to live to the rhythm of the waves.
The word "oleaje" comes from the Spanish noun "olea," which means "wave," derived from Latin "unda," meaning "wave" or "water." The suffix "-aje" is used to form nouns in Spanish that can indicate a process or result, contributing to the meaning of the word as the phenomenon or state of waves.
Synonyms: - Olas (waves) - Marejada (swell) - Marea (tide)
Antonyms: - Calma (calm) - Tranquilidad (tranquility) - Estabilidad (stability)