olmo - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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olmo (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

"Olmo" refers to a type of tree belonging to the genus Ulmus, commonly known as "elm." In the Spanish language, this term is commonly used in both general and botanical contexts. The word is often found in texts related to agriculture, landscaping, and ecology, but may not be as frequently used in everyday oral communication compared to more common terms. It is more prevalent in written texts, especially in contexts discussing plants, trees, and environmental topics.

Frequency of Use

While "olmo" is not the most common term in everyday conversation, it appears regularly in ecological discussions, horticultural texts, and literary works that describe natural settings.

Example Sentences

  1. Los olmos son árboles que pueden vivir más de 100 años.
  2. Elms are trees that can live for more than 100 years.

  3. La corteza del olmo es muy característicamente rugosa.

  4. The bark of the elm is very characteristically rough.

  5. Plantaron un olmo en el parque para dar sombra.

  6. They planted an elm in the park to provide shade.

Idiomatic Expressions

While there aren't many established idiomatic expressions specifically involving "olmo," it may appear in poetic or literary contexts. Here are some sentences that creatively incorporate "olmo."

  1. Bajo el olmo se cuentan las historias más antiguas.
  2. Under the elm, the oldest stories are told.

  3. Aunque cortaron el olmo, su sombra perdura en nuestros recuerdos.

  4. Although they cut down the elm, its shade endures in our memories.

  5. El olmo se erguía orgulloso, como símbolo de resistencia entre los árboles.

  6. The elm stood proudly, as a symbol of resilience among the trees.


The word "olmo" originates from the Latin "ulmus," which also refers to the elm tree. The term has evolved through various languages and generally maintains a similar pronunciation and meaning across them.

Synonyms and Antonyms



Overall, "olmo" plays a notable role in the ecological vocabulary of Spanish and reflects a rich connection to both the natural world and cultural representations.
