olvido - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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olvido (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Use

The word "olvido" refers to the act of forgetting or the state of being forgotten. In general usage, it conveys the idea of the loss or absence of memory regarding information, experiences, or people's names. In law, it can also refer to the loss of rights or claims due to the passage of time, similar to the concept of "prescription." In medicine, "olvido" may be used to describe lapses in memory or forgetfulness.

In terms of frequency of use, "olvido" is commonly used in both oral and written contexts, with perhaps a slight preference for written language when discussing more complex themes like legal matters or medical conditions.

Example Sentences

  1. Olvido muchas veces donde dejo mis llaves.
    I often forget where I put my keys.
  2. El olvido de la fecha de la reunión fue un gran error.
    The oversight of the meeting date was a major mistake.
  3. Su olvido en este asunto podría costarle su trabajo.
    His forgetting about this issue could cost him his job.

Idiomatic Expressions

The term "olvido" is frequently found in various idiomatic expressions in Spanish, which highlight different aspects of memory and forgetfulness. Here are several examples:

Example Idiomatic Sentences

  1. Caer en el olvido es lo que les pasa a muchas obras de arte.
    Falling into oblivion is what happens to many works of art.
  2. No quiero que nuestros momentos juntos caigan en el olvido.
    I don't want our moments together to be forgotten.
  3. A veces, el olvido es una bendición cuando se trata de malos recuerdos.
    Sometimes, forgetting is a blessing when it comes to bad memories.
  4. Peter pensaba que su nombre caería en el olvido, pero aún lo recuerdan.
    Peter thought his name would fall into oblivion, but they still remember him.
  5. El paso del tiempo puede llevar a muchas historias al olvido.
    The passage of time can lead many stories into oblivion.
  6. A pesar del olvido, ella sigue esperando que la llamen.
    Despite forgetting, she still hopes to be called.
  7. El olvido de los detalles puede llevar a malentendidos.
    Forgetting details can lead to misunderstandings.
  8. A veces, el olvido es la forma en que nuestra mente se protege.
    Sometimes, forgetting is how our mind protects itself.


The word "olvido" comes from the Latin "oblivium," which signifies the act of forgetting or the state of being forgetful. It is derived from the verb "obliviscor," meaning "to forget."

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Olvidar (to forget - verb) - Descuido (neglect) - Inobservancia (non-observance)

Antonyms: - Recuerdo (memory/remembrance) - Memoria (memory) - Atención (attention)

This comprehensive exploration of "olvido" provides insight into its meaning, use, idiomatic expressions, etymology, and linguistic relationships.
