The word "ordenada" is used to describe something that is arranged or organized in a systematic way. It denotes a sense of tidiness or neatness. In the context of medicine, it can refer to a methodical arrangement of medical data or in clinical settings; in geography, it may describe the arrangement of landscapes or urban planning; in mathematics, it often pertains to the organization of numbers or data points within a system.
The frequency of use for "ordenada" is moderate, often appearing in both oral and written contexts, although it may be slightly more prevalent in formal written communication where descriptions of organization or structure are necessary.
La información debe ser presentada de manera ordenada.
(The information must be presented in an orderly manner.)
En la geografía, es esencial tener una representación ordenada de los datos.
(In geography, it is essential to have an organized representation of the data.)
Sus apuntes son muy ordenados, lo que facilita el estudio.
(His notes are very neat, which makes studying easier.)
"Ordenada" is a common term in idiomatic expressions, often conveying principles of organization and methodicalness.
Significance: This expression signifies that one has their affairs or tasks well-organized.
Vivir en un mundo ordenado.
(To live in an orderly world.)
Significance: It refers to the ideal state of living in a structured and organized environment.
Mantener una mente ordenada.
(To keep an orderly mind.)
Significance: This expression describes the necessity of mental organization for clarity in thoughts.
Dejar las cosas en orden.
(To leave things in order.)
Significance: It refers to the practice of ensuring that everything is tidy before leaving or finishing a task.
Un plan ordenado es la clave del éxito.
(An orderly plan is the key to success.)
"Ordenada" comes from the Spanish verb "ordenar," which means "to order" or "to arrange." The root "orden-" is from Latin "ordinare," which is derived from "ordo," meaning "order."