oruga - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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oruga (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The word "oruga" refers specifically to the larval stage of a butterfly or moth, typically known as a caterpillar. In general use, it can describe a creature that is often associated with transformation, growth, and sometimes destruction, as they can be pests in agriculture. The word is quite common in both oral and written contexts, particularly in discussions related to zoology, entomology, and gardening.

Example Sentences

  1. La oruga se convirtió en mariposa después de un tiempo.
  2. The caterpillar transformed into a butterfly after some time.

  3. Muchas orugas son consideradas plagas en los cultivos.

  4. Many caterpillars are considered pests in crops.

  5. Durante la primavera, podemos ver muchas orugas en el jardín.

  6. During spring, we can see many caterpillars in the garden.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "oruga" appears in various idiomatic expressions, typically metaphorically referring to transformation or challenges.

  1. "De oruga a mariposa" se usa para referirse a alguien que experimenta un cambio positivo.
  2. "From caterpillar to butterfly" is used to refer to someone who undergoes a positive change.

  3. "No te quedes como una oruga, ¡transforma tu vida!" sugiere que uno debe buscar mejorar y crecer.

  4. "Don't stay like a caterpillar, transform your life!" suggests that one should seek to improve and grow.

  5. "A veces hay que ser como una oruga: pasar por momentos difíciles para convertirse en algo hermoso."

  6. "Sometimes you have to be like a caterpillar: go through tough times to become something beautiful."

  7. "La vida es un proceso, como la oruga que se convierte en mariposa."

  8. "Life is a process, like the caterpillar that turns into a butterfly."


The word "oruga" comes from the Latin "erūga," which means "a small crawly creature." This Latin term itself is derived from "erūguere," meaning "to crawl," reflective of the caterpillar's movement.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Larva - Gusano (though this can refer to worms in general, it's sometimes used interchangeably)

Antonyms: - Mariposa (butterfly) - Insecto adulto (adult insect)
