osado - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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osado (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

"Osado" is an adjective in Spanish that describes someone or something that exhibits a willingness to take risks or act boldly. It is often used to characterize individuals who are courageous, adventurous, or sometimes reckless in their actions. The frequency of use is moderate, primarily appearing in both oral and written contexts, although slightly more prevalent in literary or formal discussions due to its expressive nature.

Example Sentences

  1. "Siempre ha sido una persona osada, dispuesta a probar cosas nuevas."
    "He has always been a daring person, willing to try new things."

  2. "El artista presentó una obra osada que sorprendió a todos."
    "The artist presented a bold piece that surprised everyone."

  3. "Tomar decisiones osadas puede llevar a grandes recompensas."
    "Making audacious decisions can lead to great rewards."

Idiomatic Expressions

"Osado" is often used in various idiomatic expressions, highlighting its versatility in the Spanish language. Here are several examples:

  1. "Ser osado como un león."
    "To be as daring as a lion."
    This expression conveys the idea of showing great bravery or courage.

  2. "El osado siempre llega primero."
    "The daring one always arrives first."
    This suggests that those who take risks often achieve success faster.

  3. "A veces es necesario ser osado para salir adelante."
    "Sometimes it is necessary to be bold to move forward."
    Here, it emphasizes the importance of boldness in overcoming challenges.

  4. "Prefiero un enfoque osado que uno conservador."
    "I prefer a daring approach over a conservative one."
    This indicates a preference for taking risks rather than playing it safe.

  5. "Los osados conquistan montañas."
    "The bold conquer mountains."
    This illustrates how courageous individuals achieve remarkable feats.


The word "osado" derives from the Latin term "audax," which means bold or daring. Its roots can be traced back to the Proto-Indo-European *h₁ud-, meaning to hear or perceive, giving a sense of awareness in taking bold steps.


