ovni - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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ovni (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

  1. UFO (Unidentified Flying Object)

Meaning and Usage

"ovni" refers to an unidentified flying object, which in popular culture is often associated with extraterrestrial spacecraft. The term is commonly used in discussions about UFO sightings, conspiracy theories, and science fiction. In the Spanish language, "ovni" is frequently employed in both oral and written contexts, especially in media related to science, conspiracy theories, and extraterrestrial life.

Example Sentences

  1. Muchos testigos afirman haber visto un ovni en el cielo anoche.
  2. Many witnesses claim to have seen a UFO in the sky last night.

  3. El gobierno ha desclasificado documentos sobre avistamientos de ovnis.

  4. The government has declassified documents about UFO sightings.

  5. Existen muchas teorías sobre qué son en realidad los ovnis.

  6. There are many theories about what UFOs really are.

Idiomatic Expressions

"ovni" is not commonly used in specific idiomatic expressions in Spanish, but it can be part of colloquial phrases and discussions involving extraterrestrial themes.

Example Sentences with Related Expressions

  1. Hablar de ovnis siempre genera conversaciones interesantes en las reuniones.
  2. Talking about UFOs always generates interesting conversations at meetings.

  3. Algunas personas creen que los ovnis son solo un mito.

  4. Some people believe that UFOs are just a myth.

  5. La cultura popular está llena de películas sobre ovnis y extraterrestres.

  6. Popular culture is full of movies about UFOs and extraterrestrials.


The term "ovni" is an acronym for "Objeto Volador No Identificado", which translates to "Unidentified Flying Object." The acronym was adopted into Spanish, mirroring the English "UFO."



The term "ovni" is particularly significant in discussions of paranormal phenomena, and it retains cultural relevance in both casual and scientific discussions about unexplained aerial phenomena.
