p - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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p (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The letter "p" is a consonant in the Spanish alphabet.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

The letter "p" does not have a direct translation since it is a letter of the alphabet. However, it is similar to the English letter "p".

Meaning and Usage

In the Spanish language, the letter "p" represents the voiceless bilabial plosive sound, commonly found in various words. It is a frequent consonant, used in both oral speech and written contexts. The frequency of its usage varies depending on the number of words that contain the letter "p".

Example Sentences

  1. La palabra "pato" comienza con la letra "p".
    (The word "duck" begins with the letter "p".)

  2. En el alfabeto español, la letra "p" sigue a la letra "o".
    (In the Spanish alphabet, the letter "p" follows the letter "o".)

  3. Hay muchas palabras que contienen la letra "p", como "perro" y "pájaro".
    (There are many words that contain the letter "p," such as "dog" and "bird".)

Idiomatic Expressions

The letter "p" itself is not commonly used in idiomatic expressions; rather, it serves as a phonetic component of numerous Spanish words and phrases. However, we can examine expressions that contain words beginning with "p".

  1. Poner las cartas sobre la mesa
    (To put the cards on the table)
  2. Significa ser honesto y directo sobre una situación.
    (It means to be honest and direct about a situation.)

  3. Pagar el pato
    (To pay the duck)

  4. Significa asumir la culpa o responsabilidad por algo.
    (It means to take the blame or responsibility for something.)

  5. Por las buenas o por las malas
    (By hook or by crook)

  6. Significa que se hará algo sin importar las circunstancias.
    (It means that something will be done regardless of the circumstances.)

  7. Pedir peras al olmo
    (To ask for pears from the elm)

  8. Significa pedir algo imposible o poco realista.
    (It means to ask for something impossible or unrealistic.)


As a letter, "p" derives from the Latin alphabet, which in turn borrowed from Greek "pi" (Π, π) representing sound values in those languages. The phonetic characteristics of "p" have been retained throughout the history of the Spanish language.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Since "p" is a letter, it does not have synonyms or antonyms like words do.

In summary, while the letter "p" itself does not hold significant semantic meaning, it is crucial in shaping various words and expressions within the Spanish language.
