padre adoptivo - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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padre adoptivo (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

"Padre adoptivo" refers to a man who has adopted a child, taking on the responsibilities and rights of a biological father. This term is commonly used in both conversational and written Spanish, especially in contexts discussing family structures, adoption processes, and legal terms related to child custody.

Frequency of Use

The term is moderately common and is often used in discussions related to family, law, and social services. It is frequently found in both oral speech and written contexts, such as literature, legal documents, and media.

Example Sentences

  1. El padre adoptivo de Juan siempre lo anima a seguir sus sueños.
  2. The adoptive father of Juan always encourages him to pursue his dreams.

  3. Cuando se encuentra con su padre adoptivo, siente un gran orgullo.

  4. When he meets with his adoptive father, he feels a great sense of pride.

  5. El padre adoptivo decidió ayudar a su hijo con las tareas escolares.

  6. The adoptive father decided to help his son with his schoolwork.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "padre adoptivo" itself may not appear frequently in idiomatic expressions, terms around "padre" often appear in phrases that reflect relationships and familial ties.

  1. Hacer de padre (adoptivo)
  2. El nuevo maestro tuvo que hacer de padre para sus alumnos durante las excursiones.
  3. The new teacher had to be a father figure for his students during field trips.

  4. Dejar en manos de un padre (adoptivo)

  5. La decisión se dejó en manos de un padre adoptivo que conocía la situación familiar.
  6. The decision was left in the hands of an adoptive father who understood the family situation.

  7. Actuar como un padre (adoptivo)

  8. En la ausencia del padre biológico, su abuelo actuó como un padre adoptivo.
  9. In the absence of the biological father, his grandfather acted as an adoptive father.

  10. No hay padre (adoptivo) perfecto

  11. Recuerda que no hay padre adoptivo perfecto, todos aprendemos con el tiempo.
  12. Remember that there is no perfect adoptive father; we all learn over time.


Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Papá adoptivo (informal) - Progenitor adoptivo (formal)

Antonyms: - Padre biológico (biological father) - Madre adoptiva (adoptive mother, in the case of preference for contrasting)

This structure provides a comprehensive understanding of the term "padre adoptivo" in various contexts and dimensions.
