paella - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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paella (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription

/pəˈeɪ.jə/ (in English) or [paˈe.ʎa] (in Spanish)

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

"Paella" is a traditional Spanish dish that originated in the region of Valencia. It typically consists of rice cooked with various ingredients, which can include seafood, meat, vegetables, and spices like saffron. The name "paella" comes from the shallow pan in which the dish is cooked. It is commonly associated with Spanish cuisine and is enjoyed both in Spain and internationally.

The frequency of use of the word "paella" is quite high in both written and oral speech, especially in contexts related to cooking, culinary discussions, and cultural references.

Example Sentences

  1. Me encanta la paella que hace mi abuela.
    I love the paella that my grandmother makes.

  2. El restaurante sirve una deliciosa paella de mariscos.
    The restaurant serves a delicious seafood paella.

  3. Vamos a celebrar mi cumpleaños con paella y vino.
    We are going to celebrate my birthday with paella and wine.

Idiomatic Expressions Involving "Paella"

"Paella" may not be frequently featured in idiomatic expressions. However, its cultural significance allows it to be used in various contexts related to gastronomic festivities. Here are a few idiomatic usages related to the concept of paella:

  1. Estar en la paella.
    Literal Translation: "To be in the paella."
    Meaning: To be in a complicated or mixed situation.
    Example: Cuando todos llegaron tarde, ya estábamos en la paella.
    When everyone arrived late, we were already in a mess.

  2. Hacer una paella de todo.
    Literal Translation: "To make a paella of everything."
    Meaning: To mix everything together without distinction.
    Example: En esa reunión, hicieron una paella de todo tipo de temas.
    At that meeting, they mixed a whole range of topics together.

  3. La vida es una paella.
    Literal Translation: "Life is a paella."
    Meaning: Life is a mix of different experiences.
    Example: En la vida hay de todo, la vida es una paella.
    In life, there is everything; life is a mix.


The word "paella" comes from the Valencian word "paella," which means "pan." Its roots trace back to Latin "patella," a diminutive form of "patera,” meaning shallow dish or plate. The dish itself evolved over centuries, heavily influenced by the agricultural and marine resources available in its region of origin.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Arroz (rice) - while not exact, rice is a primary component of paella. - Comida (food) - as a general term.

Antonyms: - Sopa (soup) - as paella is a dry rice dish, soup would be a contrasting dish.

Paella is an emblematic dish symbolizing Valencia and Spanish cuisine, cherished for its variety and cultural significance, making it a notable topic in discussions around food.
