pagar a plazos - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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pagar a plazos (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The phrase "pagar a plazos" functions as a verb phrase in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription

/paˈɣaɾ a ˈplaθos/ (in Spain) or /paˈɡaɾ a ˈplasos/ (in Latin America)

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

"Pagar a plazos" refers to the practice of paying for goods or services in multiple smaller payments rather than one lump sum. It is commonly used in both personal finance and commercial transactions. This phrase sees frequent use in everyday spoken and written contexts, particularly in discussions related to loans, credit purchases, and financial agreements. The concept is particularly relevant in consumer behavior and economic discussions, often conveying a method of financing that allows consumers to manage their expenses more effectively.

Example Sentences

  1. Necesito pagar a plazos para poder comprar ese coche.
  2. I need to pay in installments to be able to buy that car.

  3. La tienda ofrece la opción de pagar a plazos para facilitar las compras.

  4. The store offers the option to pay by installments to make purchases easier.

  5. Algunas personas prefieren pagar a plazos en lugar de ahorrar el dinero por adelantado.

  6. Some people prefer to pay in installments instead of saving the money upfront.

Idiomatic Expressions

The phrase "pagar a plazos" is commonly tied to several idiomatic expressions and financial terminologies. Here are a few related examples:

  1. No puedo permitirme pagar a plazos por todo.
  2. I can't afford to pay in installments for everything.

  3. Es mejor pagar a plazos que endeudarse con una gran suma de dinero.

  4. It is better to pay in installments than to go into debt with a large sum of money.

  5. Cuando compras a plazos, es esencial leer los términos del contrato.

  6. When you buy in installments, it's essential to read the terms of the contract.

  7. Pagar a plazos puede tener tasas de interés que aumenten el costo total.

  8. Paying in installments can have interest rates that increase the total cost.


The phrase "pagar a plazos" can be broken down into two parts: - "pagar," which comes from the Latin "pacare," meaning to settle or to pay. - "plazos," which derives from the Latin "plaçium," meaning a period of time. In this context, it refers to the intervals between payments.



The phrase "pagar a plazos" serves a significant role in financial discussions, promoting accessibility to goods and services while drawing attention to the responsibility associated with installment payments.
