pagarla - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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pagarla (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "pagarla" is a verb, specifically the infinitive form meaning "to pay it." It derives from the verb "pagar," which means "to pay," and the pronoun "la," which typically means "it" (referring to a feminine object).

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, "pagarla" is used mainly in contexts involving financial transactions where a feminine object or issue is being referred to. Its use is fairly common in both oral and written forms, particularly in conversations involving debts, expenses, or responsibilities. The use of "pagarla" generally implies a direct act of payment towards something, such as a bill or an obligation.

Example Sentences

  1. Voy a pagarla esta semana.
  2. "I am going to pay it this week."

  3. No quiero que me obliguen a pagarla.

  4. "I don’t want to be forced to pay it."

  5. Si no pagas la factura, tendrás que pagarla después con intereses.

  6. "If you don’t pay the bill, you will have to pay it later with interest."

Idiomatic Expressions

The term "pagarla" appears in several idiomatic expressions, conveying various meanings generally related to bearing the consequences of one’s actions or fulfilling an obligation.

  1. "Pagarla cara"
  2. Meaning: To pay dearly for something; often refers to facing serious consequences.
  3. Example: "Si sigues ignorando las advertencias, la vas a pagar cara."

    • "If you keep ignoring the warnings, you will pay dearly for it."
  4. "Te va a tocar pagarla"

  5. Meaning: You will have to bear the cost/consequences.
  6. Example: "Si no cumples con tu parte del trato, te va a tocar pagarla."

    • "If you don’t fulfill your part of the deal, you will have to bear the cost."
  7. "No quiero que pagues la factura porque alguien más la pagó."

  8. Meaning: Referring to not wanting someone else to bear a cost unnecessarily.
  9. Example: "No te preocupes, nadie va a querer que tú pagues la factura, ya que alguien más la pagó."
    • "Don’t worry, no one will want you to pay the bill since someone else paid it."


The verb "pagar" originates from the Latin verb "pacare," which means "to pacify" or "to settle," evolving into modern Spanish with the meaning related to financial transactions. The pronoun "la" is a direct object pronoun that points to a feminine noun.

Synonyms and Antonyms

This comprehensive analysis of "pagarla" highlights its function within the Spanish language, offering insight into its forms, usage, expressions, and etymological background.
