pagos - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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pagos (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Pagos" is a noun and the plural form of "pago."

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The term "pagos" refers to payments or transactions of money, often in a commercial context. It is commonly used to signify the act of paying or the sum of money that is paid. The word is frequently used in both written and oral contexts, particularly in finance, commerce, and everyday conversations about debts or transactions.

Example Sentences

  1. Los pagos deben realizarse antes del final del mes.
  2. Payments must be made before the end of the month.

  3. Ella tiene varios pagos pendientes por sus facturas.

  4. She has several pending payments for her bills.

  5. Los pagos en línea son cada vez más populares.

  6. Online payments are becoming increasingly popular.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Pagos" is involved in various idiomatic expressions, often emphasizing transactions or financial matters:

  1. Hacer pagos a plazos.
  2. To make payments in installments.
  3. "Prefiero hacer pagos a plazos en lugar de pagar todo de una vez."
  4. I prefer to make payments in installments rather than paying everything at once.

  5. No tengo pagos atrasados.

  6. I have no overdue payments.
  7. "Es importante para mí que no tenga pagos atrasados a la hora de solicitar un préstamo."
  8. It's important for me to have no overdue payments when applying for a loan.

  9. Realizar pagos seguros.

  10. To make secure payments.
  11. "Siempre se recomienda realizar pagos seguros al comprar en línea."
  12. It is always recommended to make secure payments when shopping online.

  13. Evitando pagos innecesarios.

  14. Avoiding unnecessary payments.
  15. "Es crucial evitar pagos innecesarios para gestionar mejor el presupuesto."
  16. It is crucial to avoid unnecessary payments to better manage the budget.


The term "pago" comes from the Latin word "pacare," which means "to settle" or "to pacify." This reflects the historical context of payments as a means of settling debts or obligations.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Compensaciones (compensations) - Remuneraciones (remunerations)

Antonyms: - Cobros (collections) - Deudas (debts)

Overall, the word "pagos" is essential in financial communication in the Spanish language, frequently appearing in both oral and written contexts.
