Part of Speech: Noun
Phonetic Transcription: /paˈla.βɾa/
Meanings: 1. Word 2. Term 3. Promise
Usage Patterns: The word "palabra" is a common term in Spanish and is used both in oral speech and written contexts with equal frequency. It is utilized to refer to a word in language, a term in a conversation, or even a promise made to someone.
Verb Tenses: Since "palabra" is a noun, it does not have verb tenses or a gerund form.
Examples: 1. Dame tu palabra - Give me your word. 2. No rompas tu palabra - Don't break your promise.
Idiomatic Expressions: "Palabra" is widely used in idiomatic expressions in Spanish. Some examples include: 1. "De palabra" - This phrase means "by word of mouth" or when something is done without any written confirmation. - Example: Compré el carro de segunda mano solamente de palabra - I bought the used car solely by word of mouth.
Example: Te doy la palabra de que llegaré a tiempo - I promise you that I will arrive on time.
"Perder la palabra" - To break a promise or go back on one's word.
Etymology: The word "palabra" originates from the Latin word "parabŏla," meaning "speech, proverb, analogy."
Synonyms: - Término (term) - Vocablo (word) - Promesa (promise)
Antonyms: - Silencio (silence) - Ruido (noise) - Mentira (lie)