The word "paliza" is a noun (feminine).
/pəˈliθa/ (Spanish)
"Paliza" refers to a severe act of hitting or beating someone, often implying a considerable degree of violence and domination. It can also be used figuratively to describe winning overwhelmingly in a competition or contest. The term is commonly used in both spoken and written contexts in general and colloquial Spanish. It holds an informal tone and is frequently encountered in everyday conversations or news related to violence.
El barrio sufrió una paliza por parte de los pandilleros.
(The neighborhood suffered a beating from the gang members.)
En el partido, el equipo local le dio una paliza al equipo rival.
(In the match, the local team gave a thrashing to the rival team.)
No puedo creer que le hayan dado una paliza a ese chico solo por divertirse.
(I can’t believe they beat that boy up just for fun.)
"Paliza" is often used in idiomatic expressions to convey different meanings. Here are some examples:
El policía le dio una paliza al ladrón.
(The police officer gave a beating to the thief.)
Paliza de muerte: A beating to death.
El hombre recibió una paliza de muerte por su agresor.
(The man received a beating to death from his attacker.)
Paliza en el juego: To dominate in a game.
La paliza en el juego fue evidente desde el primer cuarto.
(The domination in the game was evident from the first quarter.)
No darle una paliza: To spare someone from a beating.
Si coopera, no le daré una paliza.
(If he cooperates, I won’t give him a beating.)
Calor de paliza: The heat of a beating (figuratively referring to extreme discomfort).
The word "paliza" originates from the Latin word "pala", which means "spade." It evolved to refer to the act of hitting or striking, metaphorically relating to the impact of a spade hitting the ground.
Synonyms: - Golpiza (beating) - Zancadilla (trip or tumbling)
Antonyms: - Trato (treatment) - Acierto (success)
This detailed breakdown of "paliza" provides a solid understanding of its meanings, usage, and significance within the Spanish language.