papeleo - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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papeleo (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage in Spanish

The term "papeleo" refers to a collection or a process involving paperwork, documents, or administrative tasks. It is commonly used in both general and legal contexts, often implying a level of bureaucracy when handling forms, applications, or official documents. The frequency of its use is moderate to high, typically appearing more in written texts (such as legal documents, reports, and administrative communications) but also present in oral discussions about bureaucratic processes.

Example Sentences

  1. El papeleo para obtener el pasaporte puede ser complicado.
  2. The paperwork to obtain the passport can be complicated.

  3. Me pasé toda la tarde haciendo papeleo para la solicitud del préstamo.

  4. I spent the entire afternoon doing paperwork for the loan application.

  5. El gobierno ha tratado de simplificar el papeleo relacionado con los impuestos.

  6. The government has tried to simplify the paperwork related to taxes.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "papeleo" itself is not frequently used in idiomatic expressions, it is often associated with phrases that reflect the burdensome nature of administrative tasks. Here are some idiomatic expressions related to "papeleo":

  1. "Hacer papeleo"
  2. No me gusta hacer papeleo porque siempre toma mucho tiempo.
  3. I don’t like doing paperwork because it always takes a lot of time.

  4. "Papeleo innecesario"

  5. El papeleo innecesario retrasa el proceso.
  6. Unnecessary paperwork delays the process.

  7. "Papeleo en regla"

  8. Es importante tener el papeleo en regla antes de viajar.
  9. It is important to have the paperwork in order before traveling.

  10. "Caer en el papeleo"

  11. No quiero caer en el papeleo de la administración y perder tiempo.
  12. I don’t want to get tied up in the paperwork of the administration and waste time.

  13. "Sacar el papeleo"

  14. Voy a sacar el papeleo que necesito para la reunión de mañana.
  15. I’m going to pull together the paperwork I need for tomorrow’s meeting.


The word "papeleo" is derived from "papel," which means "paper" in Spanish. The suffix "-eo" is used to form nouns that relate to a particular action or the result of an action, thus giving "papeleo" the connotation of a process or a collection associated with paper.

Synonyms and Antonyms



In summary, "papeleo" encapsulates the often cumbersome and necessary nature of dealing with paperwork, especially within the context of legal and administrative environments.
