papeleta - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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papeleta (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The term "papeleta" is primarily understood as a small piece of paper used for various purposes. In general use, it can refer to a ballot used in elections to cast votes. It may also denote a ticket or a slip of paper holding information, like a receipt or a note.

In terms of usage, "papeleta" is fairly common in both oral and written contexts, especially in legal and political discourse regarding elections. It can be found more frequently in written texts such as laws, regulations, and electoral materials.

Example Sentences

  1. La papeleta de votación se debe llenar cuidadosamente.
    The ballot must be filled out carefully.

  2. El comercio no aceptó la papeleta como comprobante de compra.
    The store did not accept the slip as proof of purchase.

  3. Asegúrate de llevar tu papeleta al centro de votación.
    Make sure to bring your ballot to the voting center.

Idiomatic Expressions

The term "papeleta" is involved in a few idiomatic expressions, mainly in political or legal contexts. Here are some examples:

  1. “Recibir la papeleta”
    To receive the ballot
    Refers to the act of getting one's voting ballot during elections.

  2. Los ciudadanos están listos para recibir la papeleta el día de las elecciones.
    Citizens are ready to receive the ballot on election day.

  3. “Papeleta de cambio”
    Slip of change
    This phrase usually refers to a small note or token given as change in store transactions.

  4. El cajero me dio una papeleta de cambio cuando pagué por mis compras.
    The cashier gave me a slip of change when I paid for my purchases.

  5. “Papeleta blanca”
    White ballot
    Refers to a ballot that is cast without a selection, often indicating neutrality or abstention.

  6. En la última votación, muchos optaron por la papeleta blanca por falta de confianza en los candidatos.
    In the last vote, many chose the white ballot due to a lack of trust in the candidates.


The word "papeleta" derives from the Spanish term "papel," which means paper. The suffix "-eta" often denotes a small size or diminutiveness, thus forming "papeleta" literally as "small paper."

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Ticket - Resguardo (Receipt) - Voto (Vote)

Antonyms: - Papeleta no válida (Invalid ballot) - Descartar (Reject)
