paquete - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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paquete (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The word "paquete" refers to a collection of items wrapped together or a parcel that is sent through the mail. It can also refer to a set of related modules or services in various contexts such as software, telecommunications, or travel packages. The term is commonly used in both oral and written Spanish, with a frequent presence in everyday conversation and formal contexts like business and logistics.

Frequency of Use

"Paquete" is a commonly used word in Spanish, especially in contexts related to shipping, delivery, and telecommunications.

Example Sentences

  1. El cartero dejó un paquete en la puerta de mi casa.
  2. The postman left a package at my house door.

  3. Compré un paquete de galletas en el supermercado.

  4. I bought a pack of cookies at the supermarket.

  5. Necesito enviar un paquete a mis abuelos.

  6. I need to send a parcel to my grandparents.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Paquete" is often found in several idiomatic expressions, indicating various meanings beyond its literal interpretation.

Example Idiomatic Expressions

  1. Estar en paquete - Estar en una situación complicada o difícil.
  2. To be in a bind - To be in a complicated or difficult situation.
  3. Estar en paquete después de perder su trabajo no fue fácil.
  4. Being in a bind after losing his job wasn't easy.

  5. No es un paquete - Para referirse a alguien que no es ingenuo o que es astuto.

  6. Not just a pretty face - Referring to someone who is not naive or who is clever.
  7. Ella no es un paquete; siempre sabe qué hacer en situaciones difíciles.
  8. She is not just a pretty face; she always knows what to do in tough situations.

  9. Paquete completo - Alguien que tiene todas las habilidades o características deseables.

  10. The whole package - Someone who has all the desirable skills or traits.
  11. Ese candidato es un paquete completo para el trabajo.
  12. That candidate is the whole package for the job.


The word "paquete" comes from the Latin "pāca," which means a bundle or package. It has evolved through the Old Spanish language as it was adopted and incorporated into modern Spanish.

Synonyms and Antonyms



This comprehensive overview provides insight into the word "paquete," its uses, meanings, and various expressions in the Spanish language.
